Are you smoking while driving?
Prepare to be fined!
No, this is not a joke.
The new driving rules, on road safety, adopted in the EU, prohibit smoking in the private motor vehicles. The reason is the road safety and protection of passengers to be passive smokers.
While smoking the cigarette may fall on the knees of the driver and distracts him, which can lead to unpleasant traffic accidents. Cigarette butts thrеw out the window are a serious danger for fires.
For example several traffic accidents are registered in Germany, because of the smoking cigarette in the cars. In southern France, about 16% of the forest fires have occurred because of cigarettes thrown from moving vehicles.
Ban on smoking in vehicles in EU is already in place in some countries as:
United Kingdom
Ban on smoking in vehicles is applies if there are children under the age of 18 years in the vehicle. The ban applies to closed vehicles only. If you smoke in a roadster, for example, you will not be fined.
The ban does not apply to electronic cigarettes.
In case of violation the fine is £ 50.
Since the beginning of 2016 in Italy there is a ban on smoking in vehicles if there are minors or pregnant women in the vehicle.
In case of violation, the fine depends on the age of the child:
– From € 500 to € 5,000 – if the passengers are children on age up to 12 years or pregnant women;
– From € 250 to € 2,500 – if the passengers are children on age from 12 years to 17 years.
There is a ban on the smoking in vehicles if there are children (in the vehicle) on age up to 12 years. Smoking is prohibited also in outdoor playgrounds, including rest areas on motorways.
The fine is € 68.
It is forbidden to smoke in a vehicle if there are children on age up to 12 years, in the vehicle.
The fine is up to € 1,500.
It is forbidden to smoke in a vehicle if there are children on age up to 16 years, in the vehicle.
In case of violation the fine is € 85.
Ban on smoking in vehicles is applies if there are children in the vehicle. No matter whether the vehicle is stopped, parked or in motion.
Fine is 100 €.
If the driver refuses to stop for inspection tougher sanctions will be imposed. The fine can reach € 1,000.
If you smoke, in the vehicle, electronic cigarettes you will not be fined.
The same regulation is expected to be applied in some Scandinavian countries as well as the Netherlands and Poland.
Be careful!