Ireland: € 80 fine and 3 penalty points for driving too close to cyclists
A fine of € 80 fine and 3 penalty points for driving too close to cyclists are the new sanctions provisioned in the Traffic law in Ireland.
This new change is based on the statistics that show 20 cyclists have died on Irish roads in the past two years.
Under the planned law, the drivers will be fined with € 80 and three penalty points will be imposed if they driving too close to cyclists. Fines of up to € 1,500 and 5 penalty points will be imposed if ends up in court and results in a conviction.
Минималната дистанция, която превозните средства трябва да спазват, при преминаване покрай велосипедист на пътя е 1,5 метра. Това задължително правило се прилага в Ирландия по пътища, на които максимално разрешената скорост на движение е над 50 km/h.
The minimum passing distance, that the drivers must keep between their vehicle and the cyclists, would be at least 1.5 metres on roads with speed limits of more than 50 km/h.
The minimum passing distance, for roads with speed limits up to 50 km/h will be at least 1 meter.
More about traffic rules in Ireland, speed limits, fines and penalties for traffic violations find here.