drivingRoadstraffic rules

Mandatory dipped beams use in EU

While driving in most of the European countries is required the dipped beams of the vehicle to be switched on 24 hours a day, during the whole year. The use of daytime lights of the vehicle is allowed only in the daytime and clear visibility conditions.

See the countries, where is mandatory to use dipped beams 24 hours per day (colored in red)

Mandatory use of vehicle dipped beams



Important: It is recommended to use dipped beam, while driving in Greece, in case of poor visibility conditions caused by bad weather (fog, rain or snow) only. Driving with the dipped headlights during the day is prohibited! And more:


 country dipped beams mandatory use  dipped beams mandatory use
Austria  YES
Belgium  NO
Cyprus NO
Czech Republic YES
Denmark YES
Estonia YES
Finland YES
France  reccomended
Germany reccomended


 Hungary YES
 Ireland YES
 Italy YES




 Malta NO
 The Netherlands NO
 Poland YES


 Slovakia YES
 Slovenia YES


 Sweden YES
 United Kingdom


 Bulgaria YES
 Romania YES
 Хърватска YES
 Macedonia YES








 Bosnia and Herzegovina YES
 Iceland YES
 Liechtenstein YES
 Moldova only from 1 November to 31 March
 Norway YES
 Russia YES
 Serbia and Montenegro YES
 Switzerland YES


 Lithuania YES

In the rest of the countries in Europe, you must follow the rule:

Dipped beams of the vehicle must be switched, while driving at the night, trhough the tunnel, in the day – only in case of poor visibility due to bad weather (fog, rain or snow).

More information about the country specific traffic rules check here.