BulgariaDriving ruleslegislationTests

New rules for drivers license test in Bulgaria since March 2017

New rules for drivers license tests in Bulgaria are applied since March 2017 .

1. The theory driving tests will be in two parts:

Part 1 – traditional theory test. Some of the complex and unnecessary questions will be removed and new questions related to specific driving situations will be added;

Part 2 – solving the real traffic case/situation. Students will watch a short clip on a tablet (related to real traffic situation) and then will answer of questions related to this specific road case. Base on his/her answer student will be assessed about the traffic rules knowledge and reflection in danger situations.

2. Theory driver’s exams will be awarded in the Executive Agency „Automobile Administration“ specialized offices (white rooms).

Usage of mobile phones or other electronic devices will be forbidden during the exam. The student will be allowed to use only the official tablet needed to pass the exam.

Before taking their seats in the examination white rooms, applicants will be checked by technical means for the presence or possession of electronic devices. Face recognition system will be installed and each student need to pass the check before start the exam.

All seats will be surrounded by specific screens so there is no visual contact between the students. Each seat will be equipped with a workstation (tablet), camera, mirror and microphone. Video control systems will be installed in each white room to control the examination process.

Check the new theory tests questions for  the driver theory exams in 2017 in Bulgaria (for categories В, В1, А, А1, Ткт, Тмт, AМ, C, C1, D, D1, E, DE, CE.

New adopted Regulation№ 38 on the drivers theory tests exam (BG only).