Driving rules

Serbia – system for average speed control

Serbia implemented a automatic system for average speed control.

Since 1 September 2017, the new system for control of the average speed on the highway is applying in Serbia

All devices, installed onthe toll stations, to ckech the time of crossing the etrances of highway, in the country, are synchronized.

If the average speed of the vehicle exceeds the maximum permitted speed of 120 km/h (when passing between two control points, on the highway) a fine will be imposed on the spot:

speed (km/h) a fine (RSD)
121 – 140 3000
141 – 160 5000
161 – 181 from 6000 to 20 000
181 – 200 from 15 000 to 30 000
над 201 from 100 000 to 120 000 and up to 15 days imprisonment

Additional penalties will be imposed also, in some cases, as deprivation of the right to drive for a different period of time.

If the average speed is exceeded, it will be displayed on the cash receipt, which is obtained when the toll charges are paid, at the toll station.

More about traffic rules in Serbia – here