
What is limited visibility? Traffic rules in limited visibility

  • Do you know what is „limited visibility“?
  • What specific traffic rules must be observed in limited visibility conditions?

Limited visibility

„Limited visibility“ occur in conditions of steep, hill, turns and other obstacles that can obstruct the visibility of the driver. 

limited visibility due steep and turn (hairpin bend)
limited visibility due steep and turn (hairpin bend)
limited visibility due turn (hairpin bend)
limited visibility due turn (hairpin bend)
limited visibility due steep, hill
limited visibility due steep, hill
limited visibility due obstacle (big truck) on the road
limited visibility due obstacle (big truck) on the road
limited visibility due to specific road turn
limited visibility due to specific road turn

Limited visibility greatly reduces the visibility (from the driver’s seat) of the distance at which an object or light can be clearly discerned. The reason for limited visibility can be high buildings, big truck on the road, trees, turns and other objects on the road that restricted the visibility of the driver.


Specific traffic rules in limited visibility conditions
Movement in conditions of limited visibility should be undertaken with caution due to the increased risk of accidents.
Pedestrians are forbidden to cross the roadway in road sections with limited visibility.
In limited visibility is strictly prohibited:

– U-turn
– Stay and park the vehicle